Affinity designer grid and snap
Affinity designer grid and snap


Being human while running a business/team means straddling that fine balance between… I don't know, fallibility and confidence? Well, one company from which you could learn a lot are your buddies at Apple. Internal lapses of communication are perfectly normal in any organisation, but please don't give them way immediately – as it may show misdirection –, and don't assume they couldn't have happened either and that you know everything, even if you're the boss – as it shows overconfidence. You can absolutely have an ally in me, but by god, get your act together, measure twice and cut once. But hey, I'm gunning for academia instead, and hopefully will teach young folks their way around design, including… yep, design software.


And I'll stop short of asking you for a job at Serif because I had my chance to migrate to the UK, and I passed up on it, but if things had turned out differently, and if I had a degree in UX, or PR, or even software engineering, I would totally do that.

affinity designer grid and snap affinity designer grid and snap

I do, Patrick, because I actually admire what you've achieved in such a short time span. It feels like an oversight and incorrect but the developers could have left this deliberately. I'll check if I'm wrong and this is there on purpose. You've even outdone them in arrogance, jesus. Not even Apple, with its myriad hidden preference flags for power users, treats us like this. Instead of telling me that you'll look into the matter, you're actually arguing with a user (which, mind you, is one of your earliest advocates and internal beta testers who has been asking for essential features for FOUR YEARS and being – or, at the very least, feeling –, err, a bit ignored) and saying, point-blank, that you'll remove this. I almost feel like not buying Publisher after all. I am genuinely disappointed in you, I'm not even kidding. I don't even think it needs much testing at this point, really… Maybe just validation, I guess. In a very predictable and workable fashion. I can (even if it's “by accident”, hence my suggestion of it being added “ by design”), and it absolutely works. Patrick, I don't mean to be rude, but that is patently false. It's a bug I will get it removed as it will cause confusion and raise expectations of being able to apply a baseline grid, which you cannot as you have found. You guys keep disappointing me more and more, I can't believe this. Removing it/omitting it just feels… petty, and… almost Adobe-like, if I must say so.


And restrict it to Publisher owners, as you already do with its own Designer and Photo personas, if you must. I understand you may want to avoid feature bloat, but it's already in the code base. under Text > Baseline > Baseline manager), or as an extra tab under the Grid and Snapping Axis manager, or something. If this is a feature segmentation decision to avoid cannibalisation, or to keep the software simpler, at least tuck the option somewhere else, like a menu item (e.g. In fact, I make one or two every year in Illustrator, and I do miss having baseline grids, so… yeah. It's already there, and if it works… I know Designer isn't a DTP app, but for light, single-page work, such as academic posters, I could totally see myself using Designer instead of Publisher (especially some vector-heavy ones). So… how do you justify the presence of a “Snap to Baseline Grid” option in the snapping manager, then…? That seems a bit weird, to say the least.

affinity designer grid and snap

With a shared codebase all the applications understand any features that the others can create but that doesn't mean all applications have to let you edit and adjust those layers and features that can't be created in a new document. No, this feature will not be appearing in ADe or APh and if you can access it accidentally that needs fixing.

Affinity designer grid and snap